Results for 'L. Cano Caballero'

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  1. El macaco.A. Martínez-Silvestre & L. Cano Caballero - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani (eds.), Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 231--58.
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  2. La epopeya, de los Lumière a la HBO: aspectos dialécticos de un estado de la cuestión.Pedro L. Cano Alonso - 2012 - Methodos. Revista de didàctica dels estudis clàssics 1:69.
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  3. Un canal de transmisiòn de lo clàsico en la alta edad media espanola.L. Caballero Zoreda - 1995 - Al Qantara. Revista de Estudios Àrabes», Xvi 1:107-124.
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    Consensus and Dissension among Economic Science Academics in Mexico.Jorge L. Andere, Jorge Luis Canche-Escamilla & Alvaro Cano-Escalante - 2020 - Economic Thought 9 (2):1.
    We report general and consensus results of a survey administered to a defined population of economic science academics in Mexico. Our results include insights on economic opinions, scientific aspects of economics, scientific activities, countries' economic performances and methodological orientation. Our outcomes show areas of consensus which, at least partially, are consistent with findings in previous studies. Comparisons between our results and those of other studies suggest that consensus could be constant over time and that economics academics in Mexico seems to (...)
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    Conscious compensations for thought insertion.R. Area, A. Garcia-Caballero, I. Gómez, M. J. Somoza, I. Garcia-Lado, M. J. Recimil & L. Vila - 2003 - Psychopathology 36 (3):129-131.
  6. El guacamayo azul.A. Martínez Silvestre, L. Cano & F. Bargalló - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani (eds.), Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 36-37.
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    J. L. Villacañas y R. Castro : "Foucault y la historia de la filosofía", Ediciones DADO, Madrid, 2018.Vicente Caballero de la Torre - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (3):765-767.
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    Razón de Estado y ciencia de la sociedad. (El caso de José Eusebio Caro y su Mecánica Social, Nueva Granada, 1836).Gilberto Loaiza Cano - 2021 - Praxis Filosófica 53:133-156.
    Este ensayo es una contribución a la historia del pensamiento en Colombia y estudia el manuscrito de José Eusebio Caro (1817-1853) titulado Mecánica social (1836) en que su joven autor pretendió establecer los fundamentos de una ciencia de la sociedad cuando el Estado intentaba construir el monopolio del conocimiento jurídico. Nuestro análisis sugiere que el pensamiento colombiano de esa época estuvo afiliado a los métodos y teorías del comportamiento humano y de organización de la sociedad provenientes de algunas corrientes del (...)
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  9. Causes for Conscientious Objection in Medical Aid in Dying: A Scoping Review.Rosana Triviño-Caballero, Iris Parra Jounou, Isabel Roldán Gómez & Teresa López de la Vieja - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (3-4):102-114.
    À la lumière de la législation actuelle sur l’aide médicale à mourir (AMM; aussi appelée euthanasie et suicide assisté) dans différents pays du monde, certains arguments ont été consacrés au droit à l’objection de conscience pour les professionnels de la santé dans ces pratiques spécifiques. Les objectifs de cette étude exploratoire sont de fournir une vue d’ensemble des motivations et des causes qui se cachent derrière l’objection de conscience identifiée par la littérature précédente selon les expériences des professionnels et de (...)
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  10. La aportación quirúrgica de Abu l-Qasim al-Zahrawi según el ms. nº 876 de El Escorial.Aurora Cano Ledesma - 1990 - Ciudad de Dios 203 (2):451-484.
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    Deliberation in bioethics education: a literature scoping review.F. J. Rivas Flores, M. Alonso Fernández, E. Busquets Alibés, T. Domingo Moratalla, F. J. Júdez Gutiérrez, R. Triviño Caballero & L. Feito Grande - forthcoming - International Journal of Ethics Education:1-28.
    Bioethics emerged as a discipline in the 70s of the last century. One of its main objectives has been to analyze clinical cases that pose moral problems. This analysis is generally carried out by a multidisciplinary group, the Health Care Ethics Committee, which is comprised of ethical experts or healthcare providers assisted by a facilitator, depending on the context. Different methodologies are used in these situations. The deliberative method, in its various configurations, is the most widely used in many Committees. (...)
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  12. La aportación quirúrgica de Abù l-Qasim al-Zahrawi según el ms. nº 49 de El Escorial.Aurora Cano Ledesma - 1990 - Ciudad de Dios 203 (1):89-110.
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    Belén Yuste - Sonnia L. Rivas-Caballero, El Arca de las tres llaves. La Reforma de Santa Teresa de Jesús, Madrid, Ed. Bibliotheca Homole- gens, 2008 [511 páginas, 14’5 x 21’5 cm, ISBN 978-84-936061-8-3]. [REVIEW]Manuel Martín Riego - 2023 - Isidorianum 18 (35):360-362.
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    La imagen sublevada en el audiovisual colombiano De El caballero de la fe a Pirotecnia.Alba L. Delgado & Simón Henao - 2024 - Aisthesis 75:205-224.
    En el marco de una investigación mayor acerca de la duración en el arte, el cine y la literatura en Colombia, en este trabajo realizamos un estudio de caso de un corpus conformado por la videoinstalación El caballero de la fe, de José Alejandro Restrepo (2011), y los ensayos fílmicos Pirotecnia (2019), de Federico Atehortúa, y Bicentenario, de Pablo Álvarez (2020). La hipótesis que desarrollamos afirma que estas piezas audiovisuales colombianas contemporáneas, mediante un uso de los recursos técnicos disponibles (...)
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    Is cultural evolution always fast? Challenging the idea that cognitive gadgets would be capable of rapid and adaptive evolution.Rachael L. Brown - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8965-8989.
    Against the background of “arms race” style competitive explanations for complex human cognition, such as the Social Intelligence Hypothesis Growing points in ethology, Cambridge University Press, pp 303–317, 1976; Jolly in Science, 10.1126/science.153.3735.501, 1966), and theories that tie complex cognition with environmental variability more broadly The evolution of intelligence, Lawrence Earlbaum and Associates, 2001), the idea that culturally inherited mechanisms for social cognition would be more capable of responding to the labile social environment is a compelling one. Whilst it is (...)
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    CABALLERO HARRIET, FCO. JAVIER, Naturaleza y derecho en Jean Jacques Rousseau, Ellauría, S.A.L., Bilbao, 1986, 188 págs. [REVIEW]M. A. Zabalza Goicoecheandia - 1986 - Anuario Filosófico:191-192.
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    L'autorité des Pères selon Thomas d'Aquin.Gilles Berceville - 2007 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1 (1):129-144.
    La catégorie moderne de « Pères » n’a pas d’équivalent exact chez Thomas. Le rapport de celui-ci aux auteurs publiquement reconnus par la Tradition, les Sancti, s’inscrit dans une conception très unifiée de la Tradition des vérités divines, la doctrina sacra. Retrouver cette perspective d’ensemble permet de comprendre que le commentaire révérenciel n’est pas chez Thomas une technique permettant de modifier le sens des « autorités », mais plutôt une attitude générale de respect à l’égard des « Saints » qui (...)
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    Siete pensadores.Manuel González Prada (ed.) - 1968 - Lima: [Instituto Latinoamericano de Integración y Desarrollo.
    Librepensamiento y acción. El intelectual y el obrero. Por M. Gonzáles Prada.--La necesidad de una filosofía constructiva, por V. A. Belaúnde.--Adónde va Indoamérica? Cuestión de nombres. Por V. R. Haya de la Torre.--La independencia y la iglesia, por J. C. Mariátegui.--El sentido americano y universal de la poesía de César Vallejo, por A. Orrego.--Papel de las universidades en la integración espiritual y cultural de América Latina, por L. A. Sánchez.--Dinámica cultural y la teoría de los círculos. Qué es la filosofía (...)
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    Transforming Arma Virvmqve: Syntactical, Morphological and Metrical Dis- Membra-Ment in Statius’ Thebaid.Helen E. B. Dalton - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):286-309.
    Arma uirumque cano… ‘Je chante les armes et l'homme …’ ainsi commence l’Énéide, ainsi devrait commencer toute poésie.It is far from an overstatement to make the claim that in the surviving corpus of Latin poetry no phrase is more immediately identifiable than the pronouncement of the Virgilian narrator on the ‘arms and the man’ of his subject matter. The presence ofarma uirumquein a particular formation cannot fail to put us in mind of theAeneidand its concomitant ideological associations. A consequence (...)
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    Naissance d’un stéréotype. Le berger dans quelques textes de la fin du Moyen Age. Thomas - 2021 - Studium 26 (26):13-37.
    : The shepherd embodies a strange and disturbing society. Isolated, marginal, it forms a world apart and evolves in a wild space where mountains, valleys, meadows or forests make up the framework of its activity. In this non-domesticated nature the human presence is suspect. This confusing being is very often represented with an animalized, almost monstrous or deformed body which becomes a metaphor for social order. This grotesque body translates the prejudices of urbanites and elites. It fuels sexual fantasies and (...)
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    The Aeneid Revisited: The Journey of Pompey in Lucan's Pharsalia.Andreola Rossi - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (4):571-591.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.4 (2000) 571-591 [Access article in PDF] The Aeneid Revisited: The Journey of Pompey in Lucan's Pharsalia Andreola Rossi Andromaque, je pense à vous! Ce petit fleuve, Pauvre et triste miroir où jadis resplendit L'immense majesté de vos douleurs de veuve, Ce Simoïs menteur qui par vos pleurs grandit, A fécondé soudain ma mémoire fertile, Comme je traversais le nouveau Carrousel. Le vieux Paris n'est (...)
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    Spinoza and the Freedom of Philosophizing.Mogens Lærke - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This study considers freedom of speech and the rules of engagement in the public sphere; good government, civic responsibility, and public education; and the foundations of religion and society, as seen through the eyes of seventeenth-century Dutch philosopher, Spinoza.
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    The Dominican School of Salamanca and the Spanish Conquest of America: Some Bibliographical Notes.Thomas F. O'Meara - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):555-582.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE DOMINICAN SCHOOL OF SALAMANCA AND THE SPANISH CONQUEST OF AMERICA: SOME BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES THOMAS F. O'MEARA. O.P. University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana SALAMANCA, northwest of Madrid and Avila and not far from Spain's border with Portugal, preserves the atmosphere of a medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque university even as it develops the schools and clinics of a contemporary center of studies. There are associations with Teresa of (...)
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    X IS A JOURNEY: Embodied Simulation in Metaphor Interpretation.L. David Ritchie - 2008 - Metaphor and Symbol 23 (3):174-199.
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    Toward a quantitative theory of secondary reinforcement.L. B. Wyckoff - 1959 - Psychological Review 66 (1):68-78.
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    Vocation actuelle de la théologie spirituelle.Sylvie Robert - 2009 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 97 (1):53-74.
    Dans son inventaire des « lieux théologiques », Melchior Cano ne faisait aucune place à l’expérience spirituelle, les « spirituels » ne paraissant même pas comme théologiens… La frontière qui, relayant une distinction paisible, s’était élevée entre théologie et spiritualité, sur la base d’une évolution de la théologie vers une scientificité et sous l’effet des interrogations du nominalisme, semble être devenue poreuse, sinon avoir disparu. De fait, la théologie contemporaine pense l’expérience croyante. La question pourrait se formuler ainsi : (...)
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    Twelve questions about Keynes's concept of weight.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1986 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 37 (3):263-278.
  28. (1 other version)L'école et l'enfant.John Dewey, L. Pidoux & Ed Claparède - 1914 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 78 (4):208-211.
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    L. Oesterreich (Neuendettelsau): Rhetorische Revisionen der Philosophie...Peter L. Oesterreich - 2007 - Philosophische Rundschau 54 (2):177 - 182.
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    Sport-related neurotrauma and neuroprotection: Are Return-to-play protocols justified by paternalism?L. Syd M. Johnson - 2014 - Neuroethics 1 (8):15-26.
    Sport-related neurotrauma annually affects millions of athletes worldwide. The return-to-play protocol (RTP) is the dominant strategy adopted by sports leagues and organizations to manage one type of sport-related neurotrauma: concussions. RTPs establish guidelines for when athletes with concussions are to be removed from competition or practice, and when they can return. RTPs are intended to be neuroprotective, and to protect athletes from some of the harms of sport-related concussions, but there is athlete resistance to and noncompliance with RTPs. This prompts (...)
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    The subjective evaluation of task switch cues is related to voluntary task switching.L. Vermeylen, S. Braem, W. Notebaert & M. F. L. Ruitenberg - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105063.
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  32. Dean, L. R. and Deferrari, R. J.: Selections from Roman Historians.A. L. Messer - 1918 - Classical Weekly 12:184.
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    The torah of Levinasian time.L. I. N. Yael - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (1):81-99.
    The topic of time is central to Levinas's philosophy. By examining aspects of the Biblical stories of Abraham and Moses compared with Greek myths, mainly that of Cronos devouring his children, this paper aims to show that Levinas's view of time, though certainly indebted to the Greek (i.e. philosophical) tradition, contains traces of Biblical experiences. Moreover, Levinas's interpretation of time will serve as a concrete demonstration of the way the Jewish experience enables Levinas to express his criticism of the philosophical-Greek (...)
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    L'homme disloqué à la recherche de lui-même.Noël Martin-Deslias - 1977 - Paris: Genève : Nagel.
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    An Environmental Ethic of Home.L. Brooke Rudow - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):28-60.
    Abstract:In this paper, I argue that our lives are situated in territories of natural and built environments that should be included in our conceptions of home. I maintain that this expanded conception is indispensable for an environmental ethic that is both well- grounded and practically efficacious. Thus, I take a serious look at the things, places, and others that ought to be included in our concept of home.In the first section I discuss persistent problems for dominant theories of environmental ethics, (...)
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    Діяльність євангельських християн у польщі.L. Borodynska - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:145-153.
    Активні сучасні протестантські течії створюють до своїх найгірших мінусів. Однієї з найбільших пізньопротестантських спільнот в сучасній Україні є євангельські християни-баптисти. Ця течія існує на українських землях, вже існує сто років. На думку Радянського Союзу і на сучасному етапі громадського життя євангельські християни і баптистів дотримуються спільної діяльності церкви. На перших етапах це було дуже успішно, і вони були складені в склад. Зауважимо, що й ніні на польських нечісній громаді громади євангельських християн діють окремо від баптистів. В Україні та упродовж 1992 (...)
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    Christian Wolff e l'ermeneutica dell'Illuminismo.Ferdinando L. Marcolungo (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
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    Evaluating behavior change factors over time for a simple vs. complex health behavior.L. Alison Phillips & Kimberly R. More - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundResearchers are working to identify dynamic factors involved in the shift from behavioral initiation to maintenance—factors which may depend on behavioral complexity. We test hypotheses regarding changes in factors involved in behavioral initiation and maintenance and their relationships to behavioral frequency over time, for a simple vs. complex behavior.MethodsData are secondary analyses from a larger RCT, in which young adult women, new to both behaviors, were randomly assigned to take daily calcium or to go for a daily, brisk walk, for (...)
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    Католицька біоетика як моральний регулятор людського вчинку.L. M. Pohorila - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:96-106.
    After a time of scientific discoveries, technological revolutions and cultural upheavals, after a time of elevation of the human genius to the highest peaks, it was time for deep anxiety for his own fragile future and the realization of the rather fragile state of many seemingly settled things. The development of the information space leads to the practice of mass indignation of the population, especially of children and adolescents, misunderstandings on the basis of economic and social achievements give rise to (...)
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    More about Knowing and Feeling Sure.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1966 - Analysis 27 (1):11 - 16.
  41. Normative ethics and metaethics.L. W. Sumner - 1967 - Ethics 77 (2):95-106.
  42. Contre l'intellectualisme en psychologie.G. L. Duprat - 1907 - Philosophical Review 16:227.
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    Beneath the Black Robes of Ignatius and Mariana: Limited Liberty within an Interventionist Order.L. B. Edgar - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (2):16-27.
    The Society of Jesus sprang from the devout faith of a sidelined soldier who traded in his weapons to form a militant order of Catholic Reformers sworn to serve the Papacy as missionary soldiers of Christ. Specialization in education led Jesuits to roles as theologians of the 16th Century, including as members of the School of Salamanca, whose Jesuit members mostly took pro-market positions on free enterprise. One learned Jesuit in particular deviated from his order’s default position of papal dirigisme (...)
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  44. The God Who Provides: Biblical Images of Divine Nourishment.L. Juliana & M. Claassens - 2004
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  45. Hunger and Happiness: Feeding the Hungry, Nourishing Our Souls.L. Shannon Jung - 2009
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    Notes on the Nalopakhyanam or Tale of Nala, for the Use of Classical Students.C. R. L. & John Peile - 1881 - American Journal of Philology 2 (8):516.
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    Історичні форми релігійного лідерства на основі іудейських традицій.L. M. Moskalenko - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 51:125-133.
    The basic structural units of society, as a highly organized social system, are social institutions, which allow to create a strong and stable system of relations between people, to form a social order. Leadership is one of the main elements that ensures the functioning of a social institute. The specific traits and particular attributes of political leadership are actively explored by scholars, while spiritual leadership with its particular characteristics remains unaddressed. In the modern world, the institute of leadership in Judaism (...)
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    Соціальна доктрина римо-католицької церкви: Творча робота жінки.L. M. Pohorila - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 51:142-149.
    The urgency of the issues discussed in the article is due to the fact that a person always stood and will be at the center of the interests of any religious structure, and especially if that structure is such an authoritative, powerful and influential Church as the Roman Catholic one. Today, centralized Catholicism presents its social position as a moral improvement of a person through cooperation with other people for the sake of a common and perfect future. The purpose of (...)
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    Note on Aristophanes Vespae 818-823.L. A. Post - 1932 - American Journal of Philology 53 (3):266.
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    Studies in the Platonic Epistles with a Translation and Notes.L. A. Post & Glenn R. Morrow - 1936 - American Journal of Philology 57 (2):205.
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